Code of the Week #4: The Hidden Flaws

Welcome to another insightful entry in our “Code of the Week” series, where we unravel the subtle intricacies and hidden vulnerabilities within our code. This week marks our fourth exploration into code pitfalls that are often overlooked but can have significant implications if left unaddressed. Today, we delve into a critical aspect of web application security – Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protections. Our focus will be on a commonly employed but occasionally flawed implementation of CSRF token validation.


Code of the Week #3: The Hidden Flaws

Welcome back to our “Code of the Week” series! This is the third installment where we continue our deep dive into the less obvious, but equally critical, vulnerabilities hidden within our code. Today, we’re going to uncover another sneaky issue that, much like our previous episodes, might be sitting unnoticed, ready to cause havoc under the right circumstances. This time around, we’re examining a scenario that’s commonplace in many applications but contains a subtle flaw that could lead to significant vulnerabilities, especially when handling user input and array indexing.


Code of the Week #2: The Hidden Flaws

Hey, everyone! It’s time for the second episode of our “Code of the Week” journey, where we zero in on the more obscure, yet critical vulnerabilities lurking in our codebases. This week, we’re shed light on a subtler, yet potentially devastating issue. In this episode, we’re delving into the world of thread safety and authentication mechanisms, focusing on a vulnerability that arises from using static class attributes in a multithreaded environment.


Code of the Week #1: The Hidden Flaws

Hey everyone! Welcome to the first installment of “Code of the Week,” where we dive deep into the lesser-seen side of coding vulnerabilities. We’re skipping past the usual suspects like SQL injections and XSS because, let’s face it, there’s enough out there on those already. Instead, we’re on the lookout for those sneaky, hidden flaws that don’t get enough spotlight but can cause just as much trouble. The goal here is simple: spot those tricky bugs, understand why they’re a problem, figure out how to fix them, and learn how to catch them automatically next time.


A while ago, a friend sent me a link to a blog post by Maikypedia titled “Finding Vulnerabilities with MRVA CodeQL”. I found myself captivated by CodeQL and MRVA, prompting me to embark on a deeper exploration. In this article, my aim is to guide you through the journey of configuring MRVA, crafting a CodeQL query designed to uncover LDAP injection vulnerabilities, and sharing my discovery of such a vulnerability within a GitHub repository boasting over 24,000 stars.


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Hackcyom est une entreprise de conseil en cybersécurité et secure cloud computing.

Hackcyom est une société d’expertise en sécurité de l’information financée par des fonds privés et indépendante basée à Paris, en France. Grâce à notre expertise et à notre méthodologie, nous offrons des services de conseil, d’audit, d’ingénierie et d’innovation en cybersécurité hautement qualifiés. Nous sommes fiers de nous spécialiser dans des projets de sécurité de l’information très complexes et stimulants. L’une de nos spécialisations aide les opérateurs cloud à concevoir et sécuriser leurs services et infrastructures. En France, Hackcyom est le leader unique dans le domaine de niche de la sécurité d’information standard et souveraine ANSSI SecNumCloud. Faire confiance à un opérateur cloud soulève de nombreux problèmes et nous sommes là pour aider à y faire face. Hackcyom fournit également des services de sécurité de l’information, y compris des services d’audit, des tests de pénétration, une analyse des risques (EBIOS Risk Manager), une ingénierie sécurisée, un conseil SDLC, un conseil en gestion du chiffrement, etc. Hackcyom se prononce comme “axiome”, le terme mathématique parce que nous aimerions que nos clients travaillent et se concentrent sur leurs entreprises en tenant leur sécurité de l’information pour acquise grâce à nous.

10 rue de la Paix, 75002 Paris